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Situational Anxiety

Situational anxiety is a condition wherein you feel anxious in specific situations. It brings on feelings of panic, stress, worry, and symptoms such as rapid breathing, sweating, or nausea. Situational anxiety differs from other anxiety disorders, such that you don’t feel anxious constantly, it is only triggered in some situations. It is usually simple to find the cause of situational anxiety as compared to other forms of anxiety.

If you are experiencing any kind of anxiety, you could find the right medication and a wide range of treatments to ease stress and tension caused by situational anxiety on MedsNow, an online pharmacy in the UK.

8.2 million 28% 21%
People are living with an anxiety disorder in the UK. Rise in the number of hospital admissions for anxiety disorders in the last ten years. UK adults between the age of 18 to 60 experience anxiety every year.


Situational Anxiety

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Understanding the anxiety definition is the first step to healing. Anxiety is a natural response of the human mind to stressful situations. Meaning, anxiety is a feeling of fear or apprehension about some event in the immediate future, such as a job interview, a test, or a speech. Anxiety disorders trigger feelings of anxiety or anxiety attacks that are extreme and last for more than six months.

If you have an anxiety disorder, the feeling of fear may be with you all the time. Anxiety meaning an intense or debilitating feeling of fear that lasts for a long time can interfere with your life and cause you to stop doing things that you enjoy.

Anxiety is an ailment which can impact a person in many ways. Based on the nature of your anxiety, it is divided into six types of anxiety disorders:

  1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

    The generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a state of mind wherein you may feel anxious for up to several days each month. If such a condition persists for six months it is categorized as a generalized anxiety disorder. GAD may cause excessive feelings of fear or stress for different events in your day to day life.

  2. Specific Phobias

    A phobia is defined as a fear or a feeling of anxiety about a specific situation or object that is markedly disproportional to the threat involved. The feared situation or object provokes an immediate anxious reaction from the patient. Many different phobias have been recognized such as a fear of flying in an airplane, snakes, enclosed spaces, etc.

  3. Panic Disorder

    Panic attacks are episodes of extreme anxiety and fear that affect a person’s physical and emotional functioning. Panic disorders may give you unexpected panic attacks and result in long periods of excessive worrying about the onset of another panic attack. People with panic disorders often engage in distinctive habits that they believe will help them avoid a panic attack.

  4. Social Anxiety Disorder

    People with social anxiety disorders get fearful or anxious in certain social situations that involve interaction or scrutiny from others. People with social anxiety disorder fear being humiliated in such situations. Some examples could be interacting with unfamiliar people for the first time, being watched while working or eating, and performing in front of other people such as giving a speech or at a recital.

  5. Separation Anxiety Disorder

    When someone displays signs of disproportionate fear, excessive worry, or anxiety upon being separated from someone they are attached to, it is known as a separation anxiety disorder. In this case, the distress upon being separated from a loved one is excessive according to the age and cognitive development of the patient. This condition may also cause a recurrent fear of being left alone and nightmares about separation.

  6. Agoraphobia

    Agoraphobia is the fear of being in a physical situation from where the patient believes that they cannot escape. When in a phobic situation, the person may experience symptoms similar to a panic attack. Some examples include being in a crowd, being outside their home, being in a public transportation, in a movie theatre, or being in an enclosed space.

Situational anxiety is a condition that triggers anxiety attacks in specific situations. It could be an unfamiliar situation that makes you so nervous that you lose your ability to remain calm. This is one of the most common forms of anxiety. These could be short term situations such as being in a crowded place, or when faced with major life decisions such as marriage. Symptoms of anxiety include nervousness, worry, or panic attacks. If situational anxiety persists for a long time, it may cause irritability, fatigue, sleeplessness, muscle tension, and headaches.

Situational anxiety makes people fearful or excessively anxious in specific situations. It could trigger both physical and emotional responses. Some symptoms of an anxiety attack or signs of anxiety observed in situational anxiety include: 

  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Low self-confidence
  • Worrying
  • Trembling
  • Excessive Sweating
  • Muscle Tension
  • Chest Pain
  • Sweaty Palms
  • Pounding Heart
  • Headaches
  • Shallow Breathing
  • Blushing

Situational anxiety symptoms can be different for different people. It could also differ based on the situation.

There could be various reasons for situational anxiety. Usually, the cause for situational anxiety could be something new or some big change in your life. For example, starting a new job, or a new relationship. Examples of big changes include moving to a new city or finding out about a health issue, you didn't know you had. Situational anxiety may also be caused by small, short-term situations such as when driving through a traffic jam, or travelling on a crowded tube train.

There are also some lifestyle reasons causing anxiety:

  1. Alcohol or drug abuse
  2. Excessive use of digital mediums and low human interaction
  3. Genetics
  4. Living with stress or experiencing intense grief

Situational anxiety can be a debilitating condition that can deeply affect your life and relationships. However, there are various methods of coping with situational anxiety:

  1. Expose Yourself

    The principle behind this method is to face your fears and try and overcome them. But it does not mean putting yourself in an extreme situation which can scare and disturb you. The idea is to take a series of small steps to gradually make you comfortable in a situation where you would typically feel anxious.

  2. Routine & Rehearsals

    Studies have proven that familiarity promotes a calmer state of mind. For people with situational anxiety, understanding the situation that brings on anxiety, and finding ways to cope with the situation help reduce anxious feelings and fear over time. Preparing beforehand by mentally going through the motions of everything you will be doing helps to dissipate anxiety.

  3. Professional Counseling

    Situational anxiety and panic attacks can be frustrating problems, as you may find yourself incapacitated in the middle of an important presentation or unable to do the things you once enjoyed due to anxiety. Therefore it is always wise to ask for help. Your primary doctor can recommend a good psychiatrist who can help you overcome anxiety.

  4. Stay Active

    Regular exercises like running, yoga, or cycling help release endorphins and raises serotonin levels in your body. Endorphins and serotonin are hormones that promote a calmer and happier state of mind. If you have situational anxiety, getting some exercise, and leading an active lifestyle can make a big difference in your condition.

  5. Breathe

    Simple breathing exercises when confronted with a situation that triggers anxious feelings can help you relax and face the situation with a calmer mind. Concentrate on stabilizing your breathing with controlled breathing techniques that calm your mind, ease any dizziness you’re feeling, and help you restore balance.


MedsNow offers different anxiety medications and anxiety treatments that can help you cope with situational anxiety simply and effectively. Here is a list:

  • Propranolol
  • Relax Herb Passion Flower Tablets
  • Propranolol SR
  1. Is situational anxiety a disability?

  2. If situational anxiety is considered a disability if it has a long-term effect on your day-to-day life. Long term is defined as anything longer than 12 months and the term day-to-day life includes activities such as using a computer, interacting with people, and working set timings on a job.
  3. Is situational anxiety a mental illness?

  4. Yes. Situational anxiety is a mental illness that can affect your ability to live your life normally.
  5. Is anxiety neurological or psychological?

  6. Yes, anxiety could be a reaction of a neurological condition or comorbid condition in the human body.
  7. Can anxiety cause real physical symptoms?

  8. Yes, there are real physical symptoms of anxiety such as trembling, shaking of hands, sweating, headaches, dizziness, and nausea.

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