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Migraine Medication

  • Intense, debilitating headaches not to be confused with normal headaches.
  • Can last for several hours, and in severe cases for days.
  • Sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light or sound, and problems with vision.
  • Affects everyone differently and the trigger may also be different for different people
14.7% 19,000 50%
of the world’s population suffers from Migraine headaches. migraine attacks occur every day in the UK. of those who suffer from migraine attacks experience severe impairment.

Migraine Medication

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Almotriptan is an effective medicine for relief from a migraine attack, but it does not prevent migraine headaches. Taking Almotriptan at the onset of migraine helps in relieving the headache and it decreases the need for other pain-relief medications.


A tricyclic antidepressant recommended to those suffering from migraine headaches. Although, Amitriptyline is also used to treat mood and pain conditions such as depression and arthritis it can also be used as a prophylactic medication for preventing a migraine headache.


Frovatriptan is a medicine that offers relief from the symptoms of migraine headaches. When taken at the start of a migraine attack it can offer rapid relief and stop the headache from developing further. This is a selective serotonin agonist medicine. Frovatriptan cannot prevent future migraine attacks or reduce headache frequency, but it can offer pain relief during a migraine.

Imigran (Sumatriptan)

Imigran is used to treat acute migraine attacks, with or without aura. It is used only when the diagnosis of migraine is clear. Imigran contains the active ingredient Sumatriptan and is not effective for preventing an attack before it happens.

Imigran Nasal Spray

Imigran Nasal Spray is a prescription medication for relief from the symptoms of a migraine attack. It is not to be used as a preventive medicine for future migraine attacks. It may be used for all types of migraine headaches.

Imigran Radis

Imigran Radis is used to treat migraine headaches. Take the medicine immediately at the onset of a migraine attack. However, Imigran Radis is effective even if administered at an advanced stage of the migraine. This is a fast-acting migraine-relief medication.


Migraines are severe headaches, often described as a throbbing pain in one side of the head. Migraine attacks can be painful and debilitating, making you want to sleep in a dark room until the pain passes. This could last for a period of 4 to 72 hours. Sometimes, Migraine headaches are accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, lethargy, stomachache, diarrhea, etc. There are different types of migraines

  • Migraine with aura: Migraine accompanied by sensory disturbances
  • Migraine without aura: Migraine without sensory di
  • Chronic Migraine: More than two episodes of migraine in a month
  • Menstrual Migraine: Occurs in a pattern connected with the menstrual cycle
  • Hemiplegic Migraine: Migraine that causes a temporary weakness on one side of the body
  • Abdominal / Stomach Migraine: Migraine linked with problems of the digestive system
  • Vestibular Migraine: Migraine accompanied by severe vertigo
  • Basilar Migraine: Migraine that affects neurological functioning of the body

Migraines are different from normal headaches, in that Migraines are excruciatingly painful. Normal headaches caused by stress, anxiety, or side effects of medicines are never as painful as a Migraine, rather a discomfort. Symptoms of Migraines are distinctive and never seen in any other kind of headache.

Some groups of people are at a higher risk of suffering from Migraines than others. However, it is important to mention that Migraine is never a one-off instance. If it has occurred once, you are likely to experience it again.

People with a genetic history of Migraines are more likely to experience Migraine headaches themselves. Women are also affected by Migraines more than men. Usually, the condition surfaces in adolescence and continues until the age of forty or forty-five.

On average a person suffering from Migraines may experience one attack a month. Once the headache and symptoms have cleared, you don’t feel any discomfort until the next bout. If you get Migraine attacks every week or more, consult your doctor for the right medication and treatment.

Migraine attacks usually occur in four migraine stages.

  1. Prodrome phase:

    This is the premonitory stage of a Migraine, also known as a warning phase. This is how the Migraine headache begins. This could last several hours but not every sufferer may experience a prodrome phase before every Migraine.

  2. Aura phase:

    This is a stage that occurs only for those who suffer from Migraine aura. This stage causes sensory disturbances including problems with vision, a feeling of pins and needles, and a tingling sensation around your face. This could last for 20 minutes to one hour before the headache starts.

  3. Pain or Attack Phase:

    This is the stage that causes intense pain for the sufferer. Usually, the pain is described as a throbbing headache focused on one or both sides of the head. This stage could last for several hours and even days.

  4. Postdrome or Recovery Phase:

    This is like a hangover stage after the Migraine pain has passed. It is difficult to identify the exact time when a person transitions from the pain phase to the postdrome, but this stage can also last for several days. At this stage, you may feel fatigued and inability to concentrate.

No definite cause of Migraines has been identified yet. It has been identified that people with a family history of Migraines are more likely to develop the condition themselves. Also, women are more susceptible to migraines than men.

The factors that trigger Migraine are different for different people. Sometimes, women experience Migraines on certain days of their periods. This is when the estrogen levels drop in the female body. This may be treated with hormone supplements. Other causes of Migraine include.

  • Hormonal changes especially in women
  • Emotional changes such as grief, shock, stress, depression, anxiety, or tension.
  • Exposure to bright lights or loud sounds for a long duration
  • Passive smoking for a long duration
  • Physical triggers such as fatigue, poor sleep, bad posture, tension in the neck and shoulders, jet lag, or low blood pressure.
  • Food-related issues such as dehydration, skipped meals, and excessive consumption of caffeine, or alcohol.
  • Side effects of some medications.

Doctors such as neurologists help in diagnosing Migraine if your headaches are persistent and excruciating. To diagnose a Migraine the doctor may look into your medical and family history followed by a neurological and physical examination.

In some cases, doctors advise tests to rule out any other causes of headaches, considering the following tests.

  • CT Scan: CT scans use cross-sectional X-ray images to create a detailed picture of your brain. This helps the doctor in understanding the condition of your brain and to rule out other causes of headaches such as tumors, abnormal brain structures, or stroke.
  • MRI Scan: An MRI scan uses magnetic and radio waves to create detailed images of the blood vessels and the brain. This helps the doctor in understanding the condition of your brain and ruling out any other causes of headaches.

Doctors decide how to cure migraine for you and prescribe medications for you based on the symptoms and intensity of pain you are experiencing. Usually, there are two ways to stop a migraine. Treatment for Migraines are categorized into two types.

Pain Relief Medication: This is also known as an acute or abortive treatment. These are medicines that are taken during the pain stage of a Migraine attack to stop the symptoms.

Preventive Medication: These medications are taken daily or more than once a day to prevent Migraines or reduce the intensity and frequency of Migraine attacks.

Consider the wide range of effective treatments for Migraine for quick and long-lasting relief on MedsNow. Here is a look at the medications available on MedsNow:

When it comes to Migraines, prevention is always better than cure. Patients suffering from Migraines are always advised to find ways to prevent the occurrence of an attack. Here are a few how to prevent Migraines

Preventive medication: Several medications may be prescribed to you depending on your Migraine symptoms. You can take these medicines daily to prevent Migraine attacks, or at least reduce the frequency or intensity of the headaches.

Identifying & avoiding triggers: Usually, Migraine headaches are a response to a trigger. This could be a mental or physical trigger, which is different for different people. People who suffer from Migraine headaches are advised to keep a diary to help remember what they were doing just before the Migraine attack. After a few attacks, it may be possible to identify a pattern. Once identified, these triggers can be avoided to prevent the occurrence of a Migraine attack. Some common triggers include:

  • Low blood sugar
  • Fatigue / Overexertion
  • Stressful lifestyle
  • Certain foods
  • Side effects of medication
  • Exposure to bright lights, loud sounds, or flickering screen

Following a healthy lifestyle: Good lifestyle habits can help prevent Migraine attacks. Some recommended lifestyle changes are listed below:

  • Keeping low-stress levels
  • Regular exercise
  • Staying hydrated, drinking enough water
  • Good posture
  • Avoid caffeine, chocolate, and alcohol
  • Sleep at least 8 hours

Migraine may cause the following complications:

  • Medication Overuse: In rare cases wherein pain relief medications do not offer any relief, people suffering from Migraine tend to take an overdose in an attempt to alleviate their pain. This can cause serious medical complications.
  • Increased Risk of Stroke: Migraine affects the neurological system and may increase the risk of ischaemic stroke for people suffering from Migraine headaches. People with Migraine with aura are more susceptible to ischaemic strokes.
  • Mental Health Issues: Migraine puts the sufferer at an increased risk of mental health issues such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, or panic attacks.
  1. How long do migraines last?

    If left untreated, a migraine often lasts 4 to 72 hours. Each person experiences migraines differently. Migraines can hit infrequently or repeatedly each month.

  2. What triggers migraines?

    Being hungry or thirsty, experiencing stress, or changes in routine are all common migraine triggers. Keeping a migraine journal can assist you in identifying your triggers because there are so many potential triggers.

  3. Can stress cause migraines?

    Migraines and headaches of the tension type are frequently brought on by stress. Other sorts of headaches may also be brought on by it or made worse by it. Children and young people are more likely than adults to experience headaches when under stress.

  4. Can migraines cause dizziness?

    Migraine-related vertigo can take many distinct forms. Patients may experience vertigo, just feel dizzy and unstable, or think that something is off with their head. These sensations can last a few seconds, a few minutes, an hour, or even a few days, and they can happen singly or in combination.

  5. Can migraines cause fever?

    In addition to other serious symptoms, occasional hemiplegic migraines can cause severe episodes that include fever. Fever is a migraine symptom, but only during really severe episodes, just like in familial hemiplegic migraines.

  6. Can anxiety cause migraines?

    Migraines can be brought on by panic episodes and anxious feelings. For instance, if anxiety prevents you from getting enough sleep, you can start to worry more and more about how you'll manage without sleep. A migraine may develop as a result of this increased worry.

  7. Can high blood pressure cause migraines?

    According to several studies, migraines are inversely correlated with lower systolic but higher diastolic blood pressure. In fact, a connection between migraines and low blood pressure has been discovered in certain research. People who have uncontrolled chronic high blood pressure appear to get migraines more frequently.

  8. Can dehydration cause migraines?

    A dehydrated person is more susceptible to heat exhaustion and other types of heat disease. Dehydration can trigger (cause) a migraine headache. Water consumption is crucial if you suffer from migraines. You might be able to avoid a migraine attack by staying hydrated.

  9. What foods triggers Migraine?

    Every person has a different trigger for Migraines. However, those who suffer from frequent Migraine attacks are advised to avoid caffeine, aged cheeses, processed meat, alcohol, MSG, citrus fruits, chocolates, spicy foods, and any food containing aspartame.

  10. What should I eat if I have a Migraine?

    If you have Migraines then it is advisable to stick to foods that can help prevent headaches. Such as:

    • Orange, yellow, and green vegetables, such as summer squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, and spinach
    • Carbonated, spring, or tap water
    • Rice, especially brown rice
    • Dried or cooked fruits, particularly non-citrus kinds such as cherries and cranberries
    • Natural sweeteners or flavors, such as maple syrup and vanilla extract
  11. Where do Migraines hurt?

    Migraines are severe headaches usually described as throbbing or pulsating pain on one side or both sides of the head.

  12. What is stomach migraine?

    Migraines in children are usually centered on digestive issues and maybe relieved after throwing up or the migraines accompanied by diarrhea. These are known as stomach migraines.

  13. Should you lay down with a Migraine?

    Yes. Whenever possible, lie down in a dark and quiet place until the pain passes. This will help reduce the Migraine intensity and help you relax. Sometimes it also helps to keep a damp cloth on your forehead or give yourself a scalp massage.

  14. Are migraines a disability?

    Migraines are ranked as the ninth most common cause of disability worldwide by the World Health Organization.

  15. Are migraines hereditary?

    An important factor in migraine is genetics. This indicates that it frequently runs in families. According to estimates, genes account for up to 60% of migraine sufferers. People with these genes are more susceptible to environmental changes, such as alterations in lifestyle and potential attack triggers.

  16. Is migraine dangerous?

    Even though Migraines are painful and affect the quality of life, they are not otherwise dangerous. Several studies have revealed that those suffering from migraines with aura are at a high risk of ischemic stroke.

  17. Is coffee good for Migraines?

    No. It is best to avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee if you suffer from Migraines.

  18. When should I go to the hospital for a Migraine?

    If you are suffering from a Migraine, you should see a doctor if:

    • This is your first Migraine attack
    • Your Migraine symptoms are worse than usual
    • You have visual disturbances or loss of senses or speech slurring
    • Your Migraine attacks are more frequent than once a week
  19. What does a migraine feel like?

    After a Migraine attack, you may feel fatigued, sensitivity to bright lights, loud sound, low energy, and depression. Some people also experience an inability to focus on daily tasks described as a ‘mental fog’.

  20. Why does throwing up relieve Migraines?

    Throwing up may end the Migraine for some people, while others experience vomiting as an accompanying feature of Migraine headaches. There is no definite explanation for why vomiting may relieve Migraine headaches.

    Some researchers believe that vomiting marks the normalization of gut movement that is hindered by the Migraine. That is why the end of the Migraine is marked by vomiting and some people also experience relief in their Migraine headache by inducing vomiting.

  21. Can migraines make you poop?

    Migraines trigger different body reactions from different people. Some people get diarrhea as an accompanying symptom of Migraines. There is no definite medical explanation for why this happens.

  22. How to sleep with a migraine?

    It is usually recommended that people with Migraines should sleep in a dark, quiet room to relieve their headache. Sometimes it also helps to keep a damp cloth on your forehead or give yourself a scalp massage.

  23. What is a silent Migraine?

    A silent Migraine is when you experience the ‘aura’ that sometimes accompanies the headache in a Migraine, but you don’t feel any pain. 

  24. What are the pressure points to relieve Migraines?

    Acupressure experts say that it is possible to relieve a Migraine headache by applying pressure to a point called ‘Hegu’ or the point between the base of your thumb and index finger.

  25. Can you wake up with a migraine?

    Some reasons why you wake up with a Migraine could be dehydration, poor sleeping habits, disturbed sleep, stress, or side effects of medication.

  26. Can Migraines cause long term damage?

    Yes. Research has proved that frequent Migraine attacks cause damage to the brain structure in the long term. It increases the risk of lesions, stroke, and may harm the nervous system.

  27. Do Migraines get worse with age?

    Migraines are usually worse in adulthood. People between the ages of 35 to 45 report the highest intensity and duration of Migraine attacks.

  28. Do Migraines affect memory?

    No. There is no medical evidence to suggest that Migraines can affect the memory of the individual.

  29. Do Migraines show up on an MRI?

    No, Migraines cannot be diagnosed in an MRI scan. However, an MRI scan helps the doctors in ruling out other medical conditions that may cause headaches such as infections, fluid buildup, and tumors.

  30. What are some effective home remedies for migraines?

    Home remedies for migraine include:

    • Avoid foods that trigger migraines such as caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, etc.
    • Inhale lavender oils during a migraine attack
    • Acupressure on the point near the base of your thumb and index finger
    • Follow a healthy lifestyle
    • Include magnesium-rich foods in your diet

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