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Period Pain Relief

Every woman has a different chemical and hormonal balance in her body, as a result of which she experiences light or severe pain during the period. Period pain is categorized with symptoms such as bloating, tender breasts, swollen stomach, lack of concentration, mood swings, clumsiness and tiredness. While period pain is a phenomenon which most women tend to experience at some or the other point in their lives, sometimes the intensity is very severe and needs proper medication and treatment. Now you can easily order for period pain medication from MedsNow and experience a pain-free period.

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Women experience severe period pain that disrupts their life. Women complain of period pain accompanied by premenstrual symptoms. Women have reported menstrual pain at some point in their lives.

Period Pain Relief

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Feminax Ultra (Naproxen 250 mg)

Ideally prescribed to women aged 15 and above, generic Feminax Ultra is a prescription-only medication that effectively treats painful period symptoms. It contains 250 mg of an active ingredient called naproxen. The tablets provide long-lasting effects for up to 8 hours.

Mefenamic Acid

Mefenamic Acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, which helps relieve menstrual pain. It is an oral treatment not sold over-the-counter. It restricts the production of prostaglandin, a hormone that causes inflammation.


The female body undergoes an ovulation cycle each month. When the egg is released into the fallopian tube, the body prepares itself for pregnancy by creating layers of tissue that line the walls of the womb. However, if the egg is not fertilised, the body discards these tissues, which is known as period or menstrual cycle. 

When the body has to shed this unwanted lining, the wall of the womb contracts and compresses the blood vessels, which temporarily cuts off the oxygen supply. These contractions cause spasm like pains to most women, in place of a continuous pain. During this time, the body releases certain chemicals which are the cause of period pain.

  1. Primary dysmenorrhoea

Teenage girls and young women, who are at the beginning of their menstrual life, commonly experience this type of period pain. The pain mainly occurs in the lower part of the abdomen, but women may also experience pain in the back and down the front of the thighs. The cramping pains are caused when the uterus contracts to shed its lining. Such pain can also occur when there is a decreased supply of blood to the uterus. In this condition, it is perfectly normal for many women to experience slight discomfort during the menstrual cycle. Sometimes, a nauseating feeling also tends to develop at the same time. In case of severe period pain, women can take medications to ease that pain or try different relaxation methods too.

  1. Secondary dysmenorrhoea

Women experience this type of period pain when they are in their mid-twenties or later. This pain is not experienced solely during the monthly menstruation, it can occur at any time or throughout the cycle. Periods may become heavier and more prolonged, and intercourse could be painful. Even after childbirth, this sort of pain is unlikely to cease. Secondary dysmenorrhoea can also point toward other conditions, including pelvic infections, which may need urgent attention. You should consult a general physician if you are experiencing such period pain in your adult phase.

Painful periods can occur because of:

  • Endometriosis:

This is a condition where the tissue that usually lines the inner side of the womb is found on the outer side, either on the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the bladder, the pelvic region etc.

  • Uterine fibroids: 

Fibroids are non-cancerous tumours or growths inside the uterus wall. In most cases, they do not cause any symptoms. But fibroids which are large in size may put strain on the uterus wall resulting in severe pain.

  • Adenomyosis: 

This is a rare condition, similar to endometriosis, where the tissue lining the uterine wall starts growing inside the muscle walls of the uterus, causing it to inflame and thus resulting in pain. 

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease: 

This infection occurs in the female reproductive organs, usually through sexually transmitted bacterial infection. It is necessary that this is treated at the earliest because if left unattended, it can develop further complications like infertility, inflammation and painful menstrual cramps.

  • Cervical stenosis: 

In some women, the opening of the cervix is small. This condition results in extra pressure inside the uterus and slows down the menstrual flow which causes severe pain and cramps.

  • Women who are younger than age 30

  • Girls who start puberty early, at age 11 or younger

  • Women who tend to experience heavy bleeding during periods (menorrhagia)

  • Women who have irregular menstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia)

  • Women who have a family history of menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea)

  • Women who consumer cigarettes

Getting pain or slight discomfort during periods is perfectly normal. However, you may need to consult your GP if:

  • The pain is severe enough to disturb your daily routine, and NSAIDs or self-care measures don't help.

  • You experience excruciating cramps all of a sudden. 

  • You are above 25 years age and you experience severe cramps all of a sudden

  • Your period pain is accompanied with fever

  • You experience pain even when your menstruation cycle is over.

  • Medication or Tablets for Period Pain

To get rid of moderate period pain, you can look at using any of the following medicines which are available with MedsNow. You can either choose general painkillers, or Naproxen, which is specifically designed to target inflammation and ease pain. Here are the top three medications we recommend for painful periods. 

    • Making Lifestyle Changes

  • Quit smoking

Smoking cigarettes can make your period pain worse. Choose to quit smoking as studies show that current smokers were 41% more likely to have long-lasting period pain than non-smokers. 

  • Bust your stress

Stress is believed to be a trigger for painful periods, although, there aren’t enough studies to establish the link between stress and painful periods. Relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, etc. help combat stress levels and may also help improve the symptoms of premenstrual cramps. 

  • Practice some light exercise

During a painful period, light exercises like jogging, cycling or yoga are seen to be useful in easing the cramps and thus reducing the pain. Exercises command the body to release endorphins – the hormones which block pain signals of the body (just like painkillers).

  • Gentle relaxation massage

Gently massaging the stomach and pelvic region with light, circular motions can help relax your muscles and reduce the spasms

  • Hot compresses

Heat in any form helps dilate the blood vessels and makes your muscles less stiff. Applying a hot compress to the abdominal or pelvic region can help ease your cramps. 

  • Changes to your diet

Foods that are high in sugar, trans-fatty acids, or salt can make your period pain worse. Healthier options that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and vitamin D can help reduce the risk of period pain.

Common side effects of period pain medication can include drowsiness, change in moods, breast pain or tenderness, headaches, stomach cramps and a feeling of lethargy or being sick.

Period pain treatment is generally safe and effective for most women. However, treatments that contain oestrogen may not be suitable for everyone.

  1. Why Is My Period So Painful?

    Prostaglandins, which are produced in the uterine lining, are organic molecules that are responsible for this pain. The uterus's blood arteries and muscles contract as a result of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are at their highest on the first day of a period.

  2. What Causes Menstrual Cycle to Change Dates Every Month?

    As your body releases various amounts of progesterone and oestrogen, your menstrual cycle progresses. Your period may shift dates if something prevents these hormones from flowing naturally.

  3. Are there natural remedies for period pain?

    Although there are fewer studies to analyse the effectiveness of natural remedies in treating period pain, here are a few things women strongly advise in treating menstrual pain:

    • Herbal teas

      Herbal teas are known to have anti inflammatory properties which help treat pains and illnesses. Chamomile and ginger tea are known to be the most popular and effective teas for relieving menstrual cramps.

    • Herbal medicines

      Capsules that contain extracts from certain roots or plants have a similar effect like herbal teas, with different extracts easing period pain in different ways. Popular period pain medicine with herbal origins include fennel, cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric.

  4. Is this the same as PMS treatment?

    PMS or premenstrual symptoms occur before a period. But a painful period takes place during the menstruation cycle. That’s the key difference, and the treatment differs on that basis.

  5. How painful are period cramps?

    Period pains can be different for different women, depending on the hormonal and chemical balance in the body. It can vary in intensity from mild (bearable but uncomfortable) to severe (really difficult to bear without medication or treatment).

  6. Where do you get period pains?

    The pain mainly occurs in the lower part of the abdomen, but women may also experience pain in the back and down the front of the thighs.

  7. Why do I poop so much on my period?

    During your menstrual cycle, your period hormones may stimulate muscle contractions in the intestines and bowels that are located close to the uterus, resulting in more frequent bowel movements. It’s difficult to distinguish between menstrual cramps and intestinal cramps during this time. Both can cause discomfort and pain.

  8. How much pain is normal during the period?

    Period pain is only considered 'normal' if the pain exists for only the first one or two days of your period and gets relieved when you take medication or use the pill.

  9. What do period cramps feel like?

    Period pains feel like spasms or cramps in the lower pelvic region in place of continuous pain that occurs in other muscles. This is because the wall of the uterus contracts to release the tissue lining. When these contractions occur, they cause period pain in women.

  10. Can period pain affect fertility?

    Period cramps that are of the primary dysmenorrhea type are caused by the normal activity of prostaglandins and do not generally have any negative impact on your fertility. However, menstrual cramps which are caused by other diseases or abnormalities in the reproductive system are called secondary dysmenorrhea. When you suffer from a period of this category, there are chances that it may cause/complications in pregnancy.

  11. Do periods get worse with age?

    For some women, period pain reduces as they age. However, some others can experience worsening period pain as they enter their 30s and 40s. This could be an underlying condition or a different issue that you are dealing with, for example, increasing workplace stress.

  12. Are Painful Periods good or bad?

    The majority of women experience period pain or cramps for one to two days during their period, and this is normal. However, some women tend to experience period pain that isn’t easily managed. It disrupts their daily life and they may need to take time off their school or work. Pain to this extent is not normal. It needs to be investigated/treated.

  13. What foods help period cramps?

    Keeping hydrated is key to tackling period pain. Dark leafy greens like kale and spinach or steamed broccoli can help increase your iron content which gets depleted with heavy bleeding during periods. Warm and hot liquids are useful in soothing the cramps. Hot chamomile tea can also help. Bananas are rich in potassium, which helps relieve bloating and cramping symptoms. Kiwi is also a great option to fight back those cramps.

  14. Why do periods hurt so much on the first day?

    Generally, the uterus contracts and relaxes to help shed the lining of the womb, and this results in greater pain on day one of the period. Sometimes, the high pressure in the blood vessels tends to cut off the oxygen supply which can also result in painful first days. As the lining sheds, the uterus relaxes and the pain also lessens.

  15. How long should period cramps last?

    Usually, the pain lasts for 48 to 72 hours and then subsides.

  16. Do Paracetamol Help Period Pains?

    Is paracetamol or ibuprofen better for period pain? You try paracetamol for period pain, however research indicates that it does not significantly lessen pain compared to ibuprofen or aspirin. Your doctor could recommend a stronger painkiller, such as naproxen or codeine, if regular medications are ineffective.

  17. Does Chocolate Help Period Cramps?

    When it comes to easing period pains, dark chocolate seems to live up to the reputation. According to studies, consuming 40–120 grammes of dark chocolate every day while on your period may help lessen discomfort. This is likely due to the fact that dark chocolate contains a lot of magnesium, which helps to relax muscles and relieve pain.

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